86-13537867660 Japanese Speaking
Factory: Shenzhen, China
www.wafuuTech.com/ www.wafuucase.com
Sales Office: Flat/rm 225-06, 2/F Mega ube, NO. 8 Wang Kwong Road, Kowloon Bay, KLN, Hong Kong
Factory Add: 22nd Mingye street, Tangxia Town, Donguang
Factory Add: 3 floor, No.2 Fengda Rd., Fengda Industrial Park, Tanglong W Rd,Tangxia Town, Dongguang, Guangdong Province, 523710
WafuuTech Owned by WA FUU ELECTRONIC, focus on custom service of rugged device with accessories and rugged cases
Expanded marketing out of Japan
Expanded business to rugged devices and its accessories
Dongguan Wafuu Precision Co.,Ltd. our 2nd factory for manufacturing Rugged accessories
Invested an mould factory, focus on more custom accessories, tablet cases, phone cased, stylus….
Dongguan Wafuu Electronics C0., Ltd. A manufacturer for custom accessories
WA FUU ELECTRONIC CO.,LIMITED, a Hongkong trading company of tablet accessories for Japanese marketing only